Car Parking and Pick-Up Zone
FLOW THROUGH ZONE – indicated by large white diagonal lines.
Set down & pick up area only – no parking or leaving your car in this area!
Join the REAR of the queue from the northern Victoria St gate
Move forward with the flow of the zone
Do not skip the line as it disrupts the flow and potentially causes accidents
Stay in your car at all times - clearly DISPLAY your family name for staff to read
Children will be directed to a position for collection that quickens up the flow of cars
ONLY exit as the cars in front of you move to exit. Exit through southern Victoria St gate.
At all times give way at the pedestrian crossing
Cars skipping the line or exiting out of turn create a hazard to pedestrians and other cars
The flow through zone will be more efficient if the afternoon peak time is spread out across the 20-minute supervised period from 3pm to 3.20pm
If you arrive early for pick up, utilise the 40 parking bays and leave your car to collect your child/ren.
If you need to collect your child/ren from their classrooms use parking bays
Only use the pedestrian crossing across the flow-through zone for your own safety
Students are not permitted to cross into the car park without family supervision.
There is NO RIGHT-HAND turn at the exit gate into Victoria Street during school hours.
Please consider our neighbours by not blocking their driveways as you wait patiently to enter the car park
Children are under teacher supervision at the Top/Church gate from 3 pm until 3.20 pm.
After 3.20 pm remaining students will be taken to the office for collection
If not collected by 3.30pm parents will be called
Students are not permitted to play on the playground after school unless supervised by an adult.​